Vinland Ragnarök: Twi'light of the Gods

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Ragnarök, has begun.

The Jötunn overthrow Asgard, home of the Norse gods, forcing the exodus of its ruler Odin, and members of the house of Æsir. When Loki descends to Vinland to claim power for his Jötunn progeny, Odin must follow.

An assassin’s attack sends Gudrid into premature labour, and when she regains consciousness, she’s horror-stricken to find baby Snorri missing.

A mysterious visitor urges them to journey to Leif’s southern settlement and into the caves at the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia Canada, to seek Snorri—and to stop Loki from acquiring the Gram, the sword of power.

There, Freydis betrays her kin to seize power. The path to the end is paved with blood and sacrifice, and only the gods know what the final outcome will be.

This historical fantasy provides a fascinating depiction of ancient Viking settlements and incursions in Vinland. . . The multi-faceted plot pits the Vikings against the local inhabitants, and the values of Christianity against the Old Norse god. The struggle for survival and success is filled with scenes of brutal action, love and betrayal, and savage conflicts. The Viking settlement is well described and the nature and beliefs of the actual historical period come vividly alive. But the magical presence is never lost, with both a serpent and Valkyrie affecting the outcome. The characters are all credible, with their dialogue believable.

The glossary is an excellent feature. . .

From the Writer’s Digest 19th Annual International Self-Published Book Awards Commentary Sheet.

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